If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.

-Maya Angelou


Body • Mind • Soul


Through my journey of healing from chronic illness I was able to come back to myself physically, mentally, and spiritually and remember who I am and why I came to earth in the first place. I believe my illness manifested in my body as a result of living out of alignment with my true purpose for the entirety of my life. Living in alignment and walking in purpose is why your soul came to earth. Nourishing the physical body with real whole foods and detoxing your body can clear yourself of the constant fog that blocks you from seeing clearly and walking in purpose. The more nourished and connected to nature the body is, the more you will feel connected to yourself. Sitting in silence, going within, and listening allows your intuition to give you guidance which is coming from your highest self. Trusting this guidance and taking action on it will allow you to step into your authentic self and live and life of fulfillment.


The Akashic Records allow you to connect back or deeper to yourself allowing you to become fully aware of who you are. The guidance you receive can allow you to gain clarity in your life and connect to yourself on the deepest level. Accessing your Records can provide answers, comfort, clarity, direction, healing and harmony.

“My reading with Kirby was amazing, it really cleared up a lot about my purpose and the direction of my life and also helped me focus on what needs to be healed for me right now.”

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there - buried under the 50, 000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.” -Deepak Chopra

Detoxing your body of not only the chemicals in food but also the 70,000 toxins we are exposed to daily is vital. Pulling these toxins out of the body and replenishing it with real whole food will not only help your physical body but also your mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Did you know that we store all of our emotions in our physical body? Any trauma that you have never acknowledged or worked through has been physically carried around with you. Working through past trauma and moving the body and activating muscles allows for any stagnant energy to move.

The discomfort that you’re feeling? It’s a sign that it’s time to grow. To level up. To shift towards something bigger. Trust yourself and move forward.

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